OTO 2 pliki ktore trzeba edytowac i recznie wpisac dane dotyczace polaczenia z baza
moze ktos jasniej w ktorych etapach tz gdzie co wpisac ??
$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "eternal_dbplayer", "fireball") or Die("I cannot connect to the mysql server because: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("eternal_dsdatabase") or Die("DB Error !");
function error($type){
if($type == "field"){
echo "<font color=red face=Arial>You have left fields blank. Please <a href=\"index.php\">relogin</a></font>";
if($type == "password"){
echo "<font color=red face=Arial>Incorrect password. Please <a href=\"index.php\">relogin</a></font><br>";
echo "<font color=red face=Arial>If you have forgotten your password, it can be sent to your email address. <a href=\"index.php\">Request Password</a></font>";
if($type == "jail"){
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdb WHERE email='$email'");
$playerinfo = mysql_fetch_array($res);
echo "<font color=red face=Arial>You are in jail for another $playerinfo[jailtime] days.<p>Jailed by: <b>$playerinfo[jail_by]</b> for reason: <b>$playerinfo[jail_reason]</b>";
if($type == "verify"){
echo "<font color=red face=Arial>Verification required. Please <a href=verify.php>login</a> here.</font>";
$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "eternal_dbplayer", "fireball") or
Die("I cannot connect to the database because: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("eternal_dsdatabase") or Die("DB Error !");
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM
userdb WHERE email = '$email'");
$playerinfo = mysql_fetch_array($res);
// Check Users Browser. If blacklisted, send them to Get-Bent!
$agent =
$userip_addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$leach_query =
mysql_query("SELECT agent FROM leachers WHERE verified='y' AND versioned='0'");
if($agent == "$agent_db"){
header("Location: http://www.phpfreaks.com/get_bent.php");
if (!$dest) {
$notonboat = mysql_query("update fishdb set outonboat='N' where owner='$playerinfo[id]'");
$date1 = date(H);
if ($date1 == 0) {
$date11 = "21";
if ($date1 == 1) {
$date11 = "22";
($date1 == 2) {
$date11 = "23";
if ($date1 == 3) {
$date11 = "00";
if ($date1 == 4) {
$date11 = "01";
if ($date1 == 5) {
$date11 = "02";
if ($date1 == 6) {
$date11 = "03";
if ($date1 == 7) {
$date11 = "04";
if ($date1 == 8) {
$date11 = "05";
if ($date1 == 9) {
$date11 = "06";
if ($date1 == 10) {
$date11 = "07";
if ($date1 == 11) {
$date11 = "08";
if ($date1 == 12) {
$date11 = "09";
if ($date1 == 13) {
$date11 = "10";
if ($date1 == 14) {
$date11 = "11";
if ($date1 == 15) {
$date11 = "12";
if ($date1 == 16) {
$date11 = "13";
if ($date1 == 17) {
$date11 = "14";
if ($date1 == 18) {
$date11 = "15";
if ($date1 == 19) {
$date11 = "16";
if ($date1 == 20) {
$date11 = "17";
if ($date1 == 21) {
$date11 = "18";
if ($date1 == 22) {
$date11 = "19";
if ($date1 == 23)
$date11 = "20";
$date1 = $date11;
$date1b = date(i);
if ($date1 > 10) {
$date2 = "$date1:$date1b";
} else {
$date2 = "$date1:$date1b";
$j = date(j);
$m = date(m);
$time = date("j\/m $date1:$date1b:s");
$realtime = date("YzHis");
mysql_query("update userdb set active='$time' where email='$email'");
mysql_query("update userdb set active2='$realtime' where email='$email'");
mysql_query("update userdb set ipaddress='$REMOTE_ADDR' where email='$email'");
$rankname = array(
$rankypanky = $playerinfo[rank];
$merank = "$rankname[$rankypanky]";
// Days, months....etc..
$dayday = date ("D");
if ($dayday ==
"Mon"){$newday == "Lunae Dies";}
if ($dayday == "Tue"){$newday == "Martis Dies";}
if ($dayday ==
"Wed"){$newday == "Mercurii Dies";}
if ($dayday == "Thu"){$newday == "Jovis Dies";}
if ($dayday
== "Fri"){$newday == "Veneris Dies";}
if ($dayday == "Sat"){$newday == "Saturni Dies";}
($dayday == "Sun"){$newday == "Solis Dies";}
$monmon = date ("M");
if ($monmon == "Jan"){$newmon
== "Month of Janus, God of doors and gates";}
if ($monmon == "Feb"){$newmon == "Month of
Februalia, sacrifices are made to atone for sins";}
if ($monmon == "Mar"){$newmon == "Month of
Mars, God of War";}
if ($monmon == "Apr"){$newmon == "Month of Aperire, The buds open";}
($monmon == "May"){$newmon == "Month of Maia, the Goddess of growth of plants";}
if ($monmon ==
"Jun"){$newmon == "Month of Juno, time of Goddess Junius";}
if ($monmon == "Jul"){$newmon ==
"Month of Quintilis Julius";}
if ($monmon == "Aug"){$newmon == "Month of Sextilis, Augustus
if ($monmon == "Sep"){$newmon == "Month of Septem";}
if ($monmon == "Oct"){$newmon ==
"Month of Octo";}
if ($monmon == "Nov"){$newmon == "Month of Novem";}
if ($monmon ==
"Dec"){$newmon == "Month of Decem";}
include "money_fns.php";
function jailerror($type,
if($type == "jail"){
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdb WHERE
$playerinfo = mysql_fetch_array($res);
Echo "<center><img src=\"image/top.gif\" border=0 height=51 width=350><br><br></center>";
//echo "<body text=\"#800000\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"></body><font face=Arial>";
"<font color=red>You are in jail for another $playerinfo[jailtime] days.<p>Jailed by:
<b>$playerinfo[jail_by]</b> for reason: <b>$playerinfo[jail_reason]</b>";
function gem($type)
if($type == "c"){
echo "<img src=\"image/gem_crystal.gif\">";
if($type ==
echo "<img src=\"image/gem_diamond.gif\">";
if($type == "e"){
"<img src=\"image/gem_emerald.gif\">";
if($type == "r"){
echo "<img
function error($type)
if($type == "field"){
Echo "<center><br><br></center>";
//echo "<body text=\"#800000\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"></body><font face=Arial>";
echo "<font color=red>You have left fields blank. Please <a href=\"index.php\">relogin</a>.</font>";
if($type == "password"){
// echo "<body text=\"#800000\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"></body><font face=Arial>";
echo "<font color=red>Incorrect password.
Please <a href=\"index.php\">relogin</a>.</font>";
if($type == "jail"){
Echo "<center><br><br></center>";
// echo "<body text=\"#800000\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"></body><font face=Arial>";
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdb WHERE email='$email'");
$playerinfo = mysql_fetch_array($res);
echo "<font color=red>You are in jail for another
$playerinfo[jailtime] days.<p>Jailed by: <b>$playerinfo[jail_by]</b> for reason:
if($type == "verify"){
Echo "<center><br><br></center>";
//echo "<body text=\"#800000\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"></body><font face=Arial>";
echo "<font color=red>Verification required. Please <a href=verify.php>verify</a> here.</font>";
ob_end_flush(); ?>
Przykladowe dane do polaczenia z baza
* Panel PHPMyAdmin: http://mysql1.yoyo.pl/
* Adres serwera MySQL: mysql1.yoyo.pl
* Port: 3306
* Baza danych: db4754756
* Nazwa użytkownika: db4754756
* Hasło: Takie jakie podałeż podczas tworzenia/migracji strony (zmień)